Georgia Controls, Atlanta Firmware Version History ________________________________________________________________________________ (newest ones first) Version 1.14 08/2010: * Fixed an issue where when no humidity sensor is present and dehumidification is turned on. The system no longer overdrives the blower. * Added a limit so when overdriving the blower, the fan speed cannot exceed 100% of rated CFM. Version 1.13 06/2010: * Added the ability for FreezeCop function to lock down heatpump on the first freeze detection without retrying after a thaw cycle. * Fixed a bug that allowed the system to start in stage two when leaving test mode. Version 1.12 10/2009: * Fixed a bug that prevented F1, F2, F3 relays from working correctly when in test mode using the keyboard. Version 1.11 10/2009: * Enhanced dehumidification system. * Fixed a bug that allowed a sensor family category with a missing sensor to still report temperatures. * Modified IrDA protocol to send RH, fan, and stage information to PDA. Version 1.10 06/2009: * Added fan and aux relay mode drives for cooling and heating. * Fixed bug in Aux relay drive when set for humidification during heating. * Changed maximum valid sensor temperature from 212F to 248F. * Fixed a bug where after sensors have been cleared, old temperatures were still available to be read from sensors which were no longer in the system. Version 1.00 09/2008: * First public release